Be a part of the solution
Creating a sustainable community and an improved quality of life in Santa Cruz County
According to the 2010 Census, 83% of Santa Cruz County residents are Hispanic, over 56% are younger than 40 years of age, and 21.9% live below the Federal poverty level. These factors, coupled with language and cultural barriers have prevented many residents from completing their career training and college degrees. In Santa Cruz County, only 6.2% of residents hold a bachelor’s degree or higher degree, as compared to 19% of the Arizona state average.
Ninety percent of the students attending the Santa Cruz Center are eligible for some type of financial aid, but this does not cover all costs associated with higher education. Many students require financial aid to support the cost of books, housing, and transportation.
Yet, the desire to learn and succeed is a priority for residents. Santa Cruz County has the highest high school graduation rates in the state.
A local, more affordable education option
SCCEF recognizes the value and opportunity for high school students and adult learners to continue with higher education at the Santa Cruz Center.
We established SCCEF to provide financial support for those in our community by:
Building awareness of the Foundation and the value of the community college district for the region.
Soliciting and collecting major donations and contributions from businesses, foundations and individuals.
Informing students of scholarship opportunities.
Recognizing those who have contributed to the Foundation.
Your tax-deductible contribution grows our scholarship fund

The chart shows a gap in earnings between rural and urban communities. But even in rural communities, the data demonstrates the economic importance of training, certifications and degrees.
Your tax-deductible contribution to SCCEF directly grows our scholarship fund and provides students access to education, new programs, and additional resources at the Santa Cruz Center. We welcome your gift as you join us in the important work of delivering transformative education for our enterprising, multi-cultural region that’s located on one of the western hemisphere’s most vital trade corridors.
Join us at SCCEF as we ensure the opportunity of building a new life for our residents through educational scholarships.